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What is Body Shining?

“Body Shining” is the outcome of the interest of all 5 European partner associations to multiply and improve the tools and abilities in the field of non-formal education with youth at risk of social exclusion, by sharing and combining resources, abilities, experiences and good practices amongst them. Our initiative roots from the increasingly frequent manifestation of the act of Body-Shaming among youngsters.

Offer tools

Give tools to youngsters to reduce the act of body shaming and promote and explain the body positivity concept and to use and explore art mediation

Empower young people

Be empowered through their increasing ability to do research, to explore their own perceptions and to find out more about other people’s attitudes and beliefs

Gain body-positivity aptitude

Increase confidence and safety, gain skills namely: self-approval, self-esteem, security, accept and appreciate diversity as an element of enrichment


Discover the theoretical and methodological videos we created to fight body shaming!

Logo Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani
Erasmus+ Logo

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